Why are Most of us Getting Sick Today?
Why are most of us getting sick today? Are you even asking the question, most of us don’t even bother asking the question, but the first step when looking for an answer or a solution to the problem is asking the right question or questions. If you want a better answer ask a better question.
So why are most of us getting sick today? Lets dive into this. When you begin building something it’s important to always begin with a strong foundation, why, because if the foundation is weak it wont matter how strong the top of it is, because if the foundation collapses the rest of it will collapse with it.
This is not doctors advice, this is my opinion. Now let's look at some of the things that are foundational for you to build a strong immune system, are you getting enough sleep? Are you getting enough exercise? What foods are you eating? Are you stressed all the time? These are some basic questions you should be asking yourself.
Are you getting enough sleep? How many hours of sleep are you getting per night? On average 7-9 hours per night is what you should aim for, now you might be saying i don’t have time for that, i can’t get to bed before 11:00 PM, sure we all have a busy schedule but you should ideally try to get at least 6 hours per night, the more hours before midnight you can get is also important, its been said that our bodies recover at a faster pace with increased sleep before midnight.
Are you getting enough exercise? How active are you on a daily basis? You should at least get out and move around a little bit, there’s multiple ways to get productive exercise, go for a hike, jog, or run, ride a bike, visit a local gym, etc.
What foods are you eating? Are you consuming processed food or real, whole nutritious food? This is where most people get stuck, they say well real, whole nutritious food is too expensive or it's too hard to find or it's too much work to prepare a meal, now while some of this may be true its also true that with a little bit of prioritization these are easy problems to solve, make a list of all your expenses and cut out all unnecessary costs, soon what you’ll discover is that switching from processed food to real food will actually save you costs in the long run.
If you're having trouble sourcing real food find a friend or person you know that has a connection to a farmer that produces what your looking for, reach out to the farmer, and ask any questions you may have, its that simple, were currently taking reserve payments for nutritious pasture raised chicken here.
Sure it may take more time to prepare a more nutritious meal vs. putting some processed food in the microwave, but that’s just reality, good things require more work but yield better results, you can always put a whole chicken in a crock pot or a slow cooker and most times you’ll have leftovers for the following day or two.
Are you Stressed all the time? This is a big one. Why are you stressed? What are you focusing on? Bingo, take the time to sit down and clear your mind and begin to notice where you are spending most of your time, energy, thoughts, and resources. Then ask yourself, by me focusing on this, is it going to solve the issue that’s causing me to feel stressed, if no then stop focusing on it and begin to focus on how can i solve this issue, and work from there, now all problems aren’t solvable, most of the things happening around us are out of our control, so it’s important to focus on what is in our control.
If the issue is out of your control completely let it go, this can be a hard pill to swallow simply because most of us love control but the reality is if you focus on what’s out of your control your in reverse being controlled by what’s out of your control, see how that works, by letting it go your removing yourself from the issue which now allows you to focus on something positive.
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